Tracy is Guest Editor for Aug 2017 “Yes, I Do! Luxury Destination Weddings & Honeymoons”
Nov 06, 2017
And now, a few choice F-words
Congratulations, not only are you planning a fabulous ceremony to celebrate your big day but you’re choosing a fun-filled getaway, too. No doubt, it will be a fantasy come true and “while all this planning is a labour of love, have you stopped to think about what your lives will be like once you’re back from your exotic trip?
I hope yours is a life of fun, freedom and fulfillment and a relationship kept fresh by choosing never to accept the one true F-word… fine. Why settle for fine when you can have fresh and forever. Think about how carefully you’re planning your getaway – doesn’t your new relationship deserve the same focus? (Now there’s a good F-word.) It all starts with frank discussion, fearless honesty and a focus on growing together. There are some amazing, and fun, tools that can help you both explore the topics that make many of us squirm – like finance and family – and while they might not sound as exciting as a vacation in paradise, they can bring some pretty fenomenal (ok, so I cheated that one) insights.
When things in your life are merely fine, that means they aren’t bringing you the joy and fulfillment you desire. Often, we tolerate fine because it’s easy or seems less painful than exploring what we truly want, why we want it, or what we have to do to change what it is we’re tolerating right now. Fear has no place in your new life, so think about what it would take for you to have fabulous for yourself and each other.
Bon voyage and here’s to a lifetime of fulfillment friendship and love.
Tracy Hackett, Guest Editor